While surfing American evangelist websites (as I do) I came across a pastor that was kind of 'different' - Pastor Melissa Scott. I didn't take in much of what she said, but I did take notice and thought I'd find out a bit more about her. She was previously an adult industry model... oh my god. Pictures of 'Barbie Bridges', her alter ego, are difficult to find and she has enough power and money to get all the Youtube clips pulled down. Evangelists seem to have a lot of power over the Youtube, but she and her cronies didn't hide everything.

She's educated and classy and if I was still Christian I'd be a devotee. She seems to have a good head for Hebrew and a better head for business. I'm not judging her for her past but from what I've been reading, she's more of a whore for money now than she was before. She sold her body to finance herself in the past and now she's selling the 'prosperity' doctrine to finance her church. This is after marrying the old and now deceased wrinkly rich Dr. Gene Scott. He was 70 and she was 32. Working the system well I would think.

Melissa performed as Barbie Bridges in adult photos and videos produced by Vivid Productions. Melissa became coupled with Dr. Gene Scott in 1995 during his pony girl phase of paying models to attend his church in the front row, while requiring the rest of the audience to stand and give the ladies an ovation when they entered.

In 1996, Melissa divorced Paul Pastore and Gene Scott divorced his second wife Christine.
Some doubt the credibility of Dr. Scott's claims that Melissa spoke 15 languages and has an IQ of 186, particularly when Dr. Scott's doctors had to tell her to stop feeding Dr. Scott herbs which were interfering with his prostate cancer test results and treatment. Dr. Scott died of terminal prostate cancer in 2005.

Controvery surrounds Pastor Melissa Scott as she hammers volunteers for free servitude, demands money to pray for callers and insists that those who have stayed in her church double and triple their monetary giving and time to help her make ends meet. This is amid court documents and reports that she has been liquidating cars, horses, and real estate that Gene Scott acquired through church donations, to buy herself a downtown L.A. swank condominium and further her own celebrity preacher and singing acclaim.

Recently, Pastor Melissa Scott raised eyebrows within her church by an about face plan to teach the prosperity doctrine, with a catch. It's prosperity for her church and the mostloyal who have devoted their lives to it, not for the poor,homeless, meek, weak or disenfranchised.


Stew said...

ooh! ooh! She looks hot and horny as all hell in the dog collar. And she knows it, the dirty tease.
I'm going to replace all my porn with reverend misses and the bible.

vjack said...

Could it be that we'll see more of this in the future if church attendance continues to decline? I suppose this might be an effective way to get some folks to show up.

snakey said...

hey Mothy...Brillant addition to your blog this week. (hope you had a great holiday)! I've heard of MeanGene the cussin' preacher but this tops the cake!
Yep...the jesusSlut is working the crowd ..
(I recon the scam is the same...selling fantasy / fiction. Network marketing seems to attract em' as well...)
Nothing better to attract the punters but with a terrific testimony/ tale of repentence from down low degradation with all its juicy details... (not that I think that being a sex worker/dolly bird is)...but I think the 'holey' self righteous church goer looooves to be more in touch with their 'sinner' side and get titilated by talk of SIN from the pulpit.......any sin - a drug habit is also popular on the christian testimony hit parade. I guess that's why the congregation always enjoys new recruits - they get to hear new juicy tales for awhile.
Bottom line is money $$$ though. "i'm a perfect xian so god wants me to be rich"...blak!

Jesussluts have been around for donkeys years...I was watching an old DVD the other day..."Bettie Page"...crap movie but I was interested in how a 1950's Porn star was born out of a conservative christian background. The story ends with her returning to 'god' with a nice little scene of her preaching from the bible in the park.

I dunno....maybe the 'religious' experience should be renamed ..."A religious sexperience"...the rapture, the lifting feeling - all metaphores for the orgasm? Hehehehe... So yeah..I think the church as been selling 'sex' for a couple of thousand years.

Oh yeah..."youtube' staff which is basically 'google' are in my opinion very bloody biased towards evangelical/christians. Farkards!

Anonymous said...

I've seen 2 persons where a person has said she's hot and I don't get it. She's absolutely not hot at all. She looks even worse with the blonde hair.

Ian Franklin said...

That second photo looks like Kathy Griffin. The Kathy Griffin after $250k of cosmetic surgery that is.

Anonymous said...

I thought this girl was Dr. Scott's DAUGHTER takingover his ministry after he died!

That is so funny.

I now give Dr Scott more credit than than before.

That guy used to stand in front of a chalk board and wrote translating gibberish all over it claiming it was ancient greek fromt he original bible or something. I always wondered how anyone would catch him if he was making it up.
He owuld also run a phone number at the bottomof the screen. but never asked for money. once I calle dit just to see what would happen. they just said hello and would'nt say anything. I asked what it was for and they wouldn't say anything. didn't ask for donations or anything. Very strange. probably was some way to avoid breaking a law. maybe if you don't ask but people volunteer money then you can get away with using the money in unusal ways.

At one point he got a terrible case of Shingles i think which is a variation of herpes isn't it?

Now she does the same thing with the gibberish. I wonder if she makes it up.

Anonymous said...

mate the only greek that lady knows is some frat initials like kappa delta pi or something. i'm greek and still don't get it. the link between college frats and greek letters that is. anyway if you get me fotos of the chalk board i could say if those ppl are b**iting you. which i'd say is the case since the original bible was in jewish and got translated in greek several decades after all the evangelists were dead.

Anonymous said...

Timmy: Hey Pastor Scott!
Pastor Scott: Hi Timmy. Do you like my black jacket?
Timmy: Sweet Jesus!
Cue bass line Bow chica bow bow

Reeking Havoc said...

I am the founder of "The Church of Some Other Way" (C-SOW).
You're all invited over to my place to see what I have to say, maybe you'll like it...

Anonymous said...

Religion and sex are powerplays

Manipulate the people for the money they pay

Selling skin, selling God

The numbers look the same on their credit cards

- from the song SPREADING THE DISEASE by Queensryche

mothpete said...

Everyone's selling something and ya gotta use what you've got. I think she looks good in the garb, but I've always had a thing for the 'Catalina' look (if you know what that means then you're a male who's been on the Net too long).

I think her nude shots look dang awful and the hair is a bit witchy and blah. I've not nothing against, porn actresses, but plenty against confidence trickster religious nutjobs. Just the fact that she has a nude photo series makes her a little interesting.. especially that she's working hard to delete that history. That's why it's here. Thanks for the comments. Most I've had for a blog entry for a while.

Anonymous said...

May the Lord Jesus reveal His Love, His Grace, His Peace, His Truth to each of your hearts. May His Presence fill your hearts with Joy. May you all know nothing will ever be able to seperate you from His Love of God found in Christ Jesus alone. AMEN

mothpete said...

Why is it that Christians sound like they're casting spells when they do that shit. Hubble bubble boil and bubble, may the pink unicorn find fruit in your cotton socks... and an eye of newt.

Anonymous said...

This is the problem, from another blog:

Well, I have a number of problems with Melissa Scott ... firstly, she has absolutely no formal training or credentials in theology or linguistics (both fields in which she professes to be an expert). Her late husband (Dr. Gene Scott) was somewhat of a cook too, but at least he had a Ph.D ... even though it was in the 'Philosophy of Education'. She has no more than a high school diploma ... while that doesn't necessarily mean she can't know anything it certainly is doubtful she could master ancient Greek and Aramiac through self study. Myself, I am a Doctor of History with a professorship at the University Copenhagen (Denmark), and I can tell you that while her translations are somewhat accurate they also have many blatantly amatuerish errors and reek of naivete.

I have never seen Pastor Melissa Scott write/speak in Greek or Latin on the fly ... the texts are already written on the whiteboard before the 'lecture' starts, and she merely 'translates' them (no doubt prerehearsed). In the linguistic community this is extraordinarily unusual!!! I cannot stress this enough -- people who really are scholars and fluent/proficient in ancient languages are constantly writing and translating things as they pop into their head. They are not confined to what was written on the board before they started lecturing -- I have never seen Melissa Scott do this once.

This should be a red flag to anyone with even a shred of critical thinking skills.

This is beyond the fact she jumps from one non sequiter to the next, using circular logic, and unsound syllogisms (in an epistemological sense). She starts off saying exactly what question she going to address/answer, and then she never answers it! She just rambles on and on trying to impress and dupe her audience into seeing past the obvious flaws in her message -- she is a master B.S.'er. As Plato would have said " [this type of] rhetoric is little more than art of convincing the ignorant," because if you had any expert knowledge of what she is talking about you'd realize how fallacious her thought process is.

Then there's also her past stint as a porn actress, and well documented penchant for opportunism and unethical behavior. I find it extremely odd she would have anything in common with Dr. Scott ... since he was about 50 years her senior when they married. In fact, Dr. Scott divorced his wife just so he could marry Melissa Scott, and the only reason she even met him is because he used to pay her to come to his lectures (Dr. Scott used to pay models and 'pretty girls' to sit in the front row of his audiences to attract more parishoners).

She just reaks of hypocracy and ignorance to me ... I can't stand people whom feign expertise, but do little else than fill unwitting students with ignorant principles.

*I have a Post Doc. in History with a specialization in 20th Century Scandinavian History (from Brown University - 2003). As all other professional historians at the doctorate level I am required to be proficient in several modern and ancient languages -- I can speak 6 modern languages, and have officially studied Latin and Greek at the university level.

Anonymous said...

i am a born again christian , and got hung up on 4 times tryin to leave a message with the so called pastor scott
unreal that she is such a fraud under the almighty jesus christ ,who will forgive us all but how bout the ones who who wanna get rich

Anonymous said...

I would like to know how all you negative and harmful people get off thinking you are any better than anyone else in this world.
We aren't here to judge people who teach the word of God from the Bible and give so much of theirselves so that YOU might want to try to learn about God's love and Grace.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know how all you negative and harmful people get off thinking you are any better than anyone else in this world.
We aren't here to judge people who teach the word of God from the Bible and give so much of theirselves so that YOU might want to try to learn about God's love and Grace.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know how all you negative and harmful people get off thinking you are any better than anyone else in this world.
We aren't here to judge people who teach the word of God from the Bible and give so much of theirselves so that YOU might want to try to learn about God's love and Grace.

mothpete said...

"I would like to know how all you negative and harmful people get off"

I kinda get off looking at Melissa Scott, actually, AND reading Christians get all huffy. That gets me off too, but not sexually... that'd be just, um, weird.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous: Christian or not, of Greek lineage or not, when you talk about the Bible being in Jewish, and translated into Greek several decades after all the disciples were dead, your are historically mistaken. By "Jewish" I think you mean Hebrew (Jewish is an ethnic term, not a language); what Christians refer to as the Old Testament was written in Hebrew (with some Aramaic), but the New Testament was originally written in Koine Greek. Greek was the dominant language of the time, in fact the Jews had their Old Testament translated into Greek for dispersed Jews. Jesus would have spoken Aramaic, but the early church was a Greek-speaking church. I studied Koine Greek formally for three years in graduate school, and I can attest that what Melissa Scott is reading off of her whiteboard is indeed Koine Greek.

Anonymous said...

You guys are dumb; it is so obvious that it isn’t Melissa’s face on that horrible body. If you’re going to put a fake picture up then at the very lease get someone who has better skills to do it for you. Remember that just because someone says something it doesn't make it true. Look for facts that are actually valid, solid, and have little bias in them for sources!!! Think, use your brains please! Don't be lazy and quick to believe everything that you hear.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Melissa Scott is a lovely young woman. Some have assumed that Dr. Scott divorced his first wife, Betty, to marry Pastor Melissa. The truth is that the first Mrs. Scott divorced him about 25 years before he ever met Pastor Melissa. Don't be so quick to find fault and believe a lie.

Anonymous said...

I thihnk she's effin hot. I would love to see her with her flats behind her ears. Would definitely love communing.

Anonymous said...

I am curious, why do you seem to have so much hatred for pastor melissa scott? I have only recently begun watching her tv ministry and so don't know much about her, but your blog only makes me feel like she is the real thing. You can only criticize her but not the LORD's message thru her. lol. Jesus came for the sinners and then said to go tell others. You however are spreading the deceiver's work. You might want to give some thought to this

Anonymous said...

Well.........forgiveness is real!

I'm not "sold" on her being real.
Prob = Bible says women are not to be Pastors/Ministers/Rev etc.....
If she follows the Word, then why does she call herself Pastor?
Anyone disagrees...then they need to go to the Word!
So if she stretches on this what else is she taking liberties with?

Anonymous said...

I think it's okay that I was struck by her beauty, apparent intelligence and reverence for God. All beauty comes from God anyway, and as long as we remember that, we should be fine.

Anonymous said...

She's a fraud. Anyone notice when she is talking about languages and stuff, the words and sentences in that language are already written on the boards? You never see her actually write anything in those languages but rather translating them...poorly too. She has been wrong on several occasions. Anybody wonder WHY she does that anyway? I'm an atheist, but I do know Christ spoke in a way that everyone could understand and in parables when it was necessary. Also, I watched her and I watch honestly confused. I' very intelligent, intelligent enough to note that she tends to say something, like a subject she will talk about, then go into a LONG digression to the point where you note she has yet to say anything actually on the subject she presented. She has no degrees, in language or theology, which is fine, but it is EXTREMELY impossible to learn Aramaic self-taught. And why does she spend so much time translating junk? You're supposed to pick a subject from the Bible and blah blah about it for a hour or two. She's hot but fake. She is posing as an intellectual to wow the crowd.

Anonymous said...

More info. Anyone notice her accent changes A LOT? She isn't from the South - she's from Idaho, isn't she? Sometimes she will go into a Southern accent especially when she really "feeling" it. Or sometimes she'll pronounce words in a Southern accent in all seriousness. Also she get into a Greek accent while she speaks ENGLISH. This woman is silly and it's her delusional ministry doesn't know it.

Anonymous said...

Several points:
1. Her past as a porn star is surprising, but not grounds to consider her a fraud.

2. In one of her televised sermons, she's admitted that her intentions with Dr. Scott was not the purest.

3. I'll admit that I've never seen her write whole sentences in Greek or Aramaic on the board, only a few characters.

4. About the accent thing, she's apparently from the east coast, but I definately hear a southern accent. Have NO idea what that means...

A few questions:
1. Where did one find the information about the "Prosperity" Doctrine? Does anyone know the details of this doctrine?

2. Where did one find the information on the information on Melissa and Gene Scott's education? Can this information be proven?

3. Does anyone have proof that she has been coercing the time and money of her parishoners?

Not really choosing a side in this, yet. I feel her message is genuine and it comes from a good place. I feel her sermons have made me a better Christian and indeed a better person. The past in pornography was a shock, but not grounds in itself to doubt her authenticity. I'll definately be paying closer attention the next time I watch her sermon. May the truth be seen...

Anonymous said...

To the person who bitched ya'll out for not loving her. I say the bible says to hate what is evil, love what is good. If she is secretive and controlling and making people pay for prayer that is very evil. People have been pimping the church out long enough dontcha think?
I caught her broadcast tonight and found her most interesting. I wondered about the high collar and catholic looking garb and now this exporn thing might make sense, a good way to hide implants yes? I was momentarily impressed with how she had put things, translating all of them making it look like a good show. But something felt um off about her. I do hope if she is evil she gives it up or risks crashing like tbn and the "god" mob did long ago.

jj solari said...

anyone ever post a comment here that aint anonymous?

Anonymous said...

Unequivocally, excellent message ciallis on-line cheaponline Wanna very nice joke?)) Why do birds fly south for the winter? Because it's too far to walk.

Anonymous said...

Dantes Inferno..The Divine Comedy a classic, read it, there are circles of hell meant for fraud and the other seven deadly sins.

Bill Steele said...

Dr. Gene Scott had a PhD in Education from Stanford University. He had two minor degrees in Geography and History. He could read and write Greek, Hebrew, Latin, Armaic and Arabic. He was hardly a stupid man. Gene predicted about 10 years before he died that his won church would take his teachings down. The day after he died, sure enough, "Pastor" Melissa Scott did just that. It's too bad Gene thought with the "wrong head" when he chose a successor. Gene also predicted an underground network would arise and circulate his recordings. Sure enough, there is about 17 gigs worth of Doc's MP3s and videos on bit torrent.

Anonymous said...

If the pics of "Barbie Bridges" are Melissa Scott, then she got a major breast reduction. I don't read, write or speak ancient Greek but it her linguistic skills are convincing to me. I have no idea of what her true past is. It is irrelevant to me. I simply like what I hear from her. Remember, Paul was a hunter of Christians before his "road to Damascus moment". It would seem that G-D has blinded and closed the ears of many of the posters on this site. Why? I have no idea. Possibly to test the faith of the believers, who knows. I do know that many here fear Christianity. They think you must be perfect to be a Christian. They fear their life will change if they believe. They'll lose friends, not have fun. They fear being made of fool of by a phony minister. First, you do not have to be prefect to be a Christian, nor will you ever be. If you believe, you will stumble and fall many times. You do not need to change your life to believe, that will come as a natural progression afterwards. You will lose friends but you will make new and better friends, real friends. Are there phony ministers? Of course there are, as there were in the first century after the death of Jesus. But friends, that is their sin, not yours. Now, my belief in Christ Jesus is real and strong, but what if I am wrong? If I'm wrong, I'll never know it and I will have lost nothing but will have lived a better life. If the non-believer is wrong, they will know if for all eternity as they suffer in the absence of G-D. You've got car insurance, fire insurance, property insurance, health insurance, life insurance. Why not get "Eternal Life" insurance? After all, it's free for the asking.

AussiePossumn said...

Well what a fright & SHOCK I had when I came across melissa scott. Her name was mentioned on a benny hinn website. SURPRISE! SURPRISE! Seems benny hinn maybe knows to many evil, naughty, sluts. Many CHRISTians fall for anything. How can A True CHRISTian Believer
Believe such common, gutter, ugly, junk?? Wow! I am still in SHOCK. melissa scott must think ALL Folk around the world are stupid--NOT. What a SLEEZY, DUMB, GUTTER, STUPID, DIRTY, SMELLY, DUNNY LITCH SHE IS. OH! boy; it seems so un-real. I guess it must be TRUTH? She will not be on my Happy Clappy List. I hope I can E-mail to some CHRISTians and Pastors I know. Won't they be SURPRISED. I am. Hope this INFORMATION Stays On The Website So As The Whole WIDe World Can Read About The DUNNY woman mekissa scott. THE MOST HIGH GOD IS WATCKING YOU melissa scott BEWARE.

dougspair said...

...Well...say what you want...Last I heard this was still a free're free to NOT watch her talking and singing bible stuff...but she certainly seems to know what she's talking about...
So get down on your knees boy and praise the LORD...!
And of course...NO male TV preachers ever did anything wrong...???

dougspair said...

...Well come folks IS a TV show...although she certainly seems to know what she's talking about.....and no-one is making you,
Time to get down on your knees boy...and praise the LORD...

dougspair said...

...I just think we should all thank GOD for the wonderful creature he has created for us...

azirus said...

Gene Scott was a fool with a P.H.d who acted like a Hollywood celebrity. He had poor manners and little to no evidence of any genuine repentance and turning from sin. His broadcast was a sacriligious mockery laden with rock music, incessant lashing and scolding of his leaders and the most unbelievably ridiculous display of irreverance as he sat smoking his pipe and pretending to be wise. He was another huckster who found a public platform and ignorant audience to catapult him to infamous notoriety. He was the Dennis Miller of religious irreverance and personal unrestrained licentiousness. Melissa Scott is the cute heir to his empire and equally ensnared by riches and fame and her message is not about hell and repentance from sin to enter heaven but rather about empty religious rhetoric to impress her spectators who are as blind as her. Please do not fall for her act. At least Gene Scott was entertaining with a more convincing semblance of wisdom, this woman has poor acting skills and has more in common with Elvis Presley (entertaining) than with our Lord JesusChrist

Anonymous said...

The woman, a quintessential charlatan, seems completely unrepentant. If Scott wanted mainstream acceptance, coming clean about her past would go a very long way.

I, for one, have always be willing to forgive anyone who acknowledged past mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Melissa Scott doesn't look exactly like Barbie Bridges. Look carefully at the nose, for example. No doubt there is a superficial similarity, but that's about it. The Bridges photos could equally well match countless other attractive women.

Original Anna said...

Barbie is not Melissa Scott, The noses, ears and length of face don't match. This sounds like a made up movie from Hollywood by someone who wishes and dreams about sex too much and perhaps someone trying to destroy the girl's reputation for whatever reason. As for her teachings, they are right on as I copied them and checked on the information she put in her sermons before using her research work in classes. Still do. She puts the research on the board because the detailed information she gives out is easier on the board than paper and there is a time element too. Stop dreaming about what you sex guys want her to be and get a life.

Anonymous said...

What a clever woman.
Faith is in the heart but religion is always theatre. Dr. Gene added some insight but his ego couldn't allow a successor to better him, so Ms Melissa relied on a different appeal. And she has an appeal.
Is that really her in the pics? If she arranged it, is that scandal or promotion?
Tune in for the sex and get a lesson on questioning doctrine.
I'd do her but I think she's already doing me.

Anonymous said...

Is this site still up. Looking at it a year after I first saw it I still don't get the purpose of the site except to put someone's sick sexual dreams on the internet. Also sounds as if the site owner has something against Christians but not other religious of other religions. Have or have not your children seen what you doing because sooner or later they're see your site. Hope you got good answers for them. Try using your brain for something important and feel useful.

Anonymous said...

She literally is a high priestess in satanism. yes it is her , she has publicly admitted to her porn past. Charlatan maximus.Her teachings are not teachings at all and have little to do with the gospel. Christians beware.

Anonymous said...

SOOOO glad this site is here.
(Although I am a man of faith)

Anonymous said...

None of you have to believe in God. God will get glory from you either way in the next life. God getting glory from you might mean your damnation. You control your beliefs and life here. In the next life you will not control anything. I am sad you do not know any good people who believe in God. Until death, atheists and agnostics congratulate themselves on how they have figured everything out. The smarmy snobs cannot prove that God does not exist. Atheism never helped anybody. You are NOT in a position to judge God.

Link said...

God be with you Melissa!

Anonymous said...

She has not admitted to her past. She sort of dodged it in the only known interview she gave. She did explicitly say she was never a porn actress. And there is no proof I have seen she ever starred in a porn movie. Where is it? But is she Barbie Bridges? Probably and her maiden name is apparently Peroff and a Melissa Peroff was married to Tony Pastore and they co-owned Barbie Bridges Enterprises and they indeed produced porn movies. So she was probably a porn producer. As for the pictures posted here, I think the two with the eyes closed is unmistakably the same person. Also, if you look harder on the internet, you will find some other pictures with darker hair and less glossily photographed where the resemblance is undeniable. One of those pictures is from a trade magazine for strippers where she took out an ad celebrating her success touring gentlemen's clubs. Someone else also claimed to have seen her at a strip club and posted an autographed photo he says she gave him. The picture looks like Melissa Scott. I have also seen pictures claiming to be her in more explicitly pornographic pictures that is clearly someone else entirely. She appears to have been a nude model, exotic dancer, and porn producer, but actual evidence she appeared in a porno isn't there. A very attractive woman who looks a decade younger than her years, and a good speaker, although I rarely understand her point. She does ramble. But I don't take my eyes off her when she speaks.