Gay Jesus

Ok, my blog's got to a point where it's basically turned into a dumping ground for Youtube videos that I think adequately take the piss out of religion. That's ok isn't it? I'm still fascinated by having access to video online since going Broadband in six months ago - I've actually downloaded 8oo gig in that time. Amazing! I love living in the Download 'Age'. Imagine how many more sinners are going to be damned nowadays because of the easy access to porn and the ability to 'steal' movies from home.

I've lost my fire for long diatribes about the ridiculousness of religion and I'm preaching to the atheistic 'choir' here I think, in general. Not that I care or wish for a christian audience... they'd only want to pop in and tell me how much god loves me no matter how much I disbelieve or apparently 'hate' him, and that he will send me to a torturous hell should I not realise that before the rapture fairies take them all away.

I especially like it when I find videos that will offend Christian sensibilities and have them walking off in a huff, saying things like, "Well, I never!"

Pat Condell is able to offend very well with his recently ever so politely spoken piece - "Was Jesus Gay?" - enjoy, I found this on where I suspect most of you have already watched it.


tina FCD said...

I love this guys commentaries.I especially liked the "secretly queer ones". Lol! This guys good.

snakey said...
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Grim Reader said...

I really enjoy Condell, and I'm Christian. I like the way he stands up for what he believes in, and, in fact, he seems to have a pretty christian outlook (see his video 'in reply to christians', where he seems to have more of a grasp of the concept of Hell than the people he is arguing against). He is a great wind up merchant - a mark that he grew up Catholic!

rmacapobre said...

so what if he was gay? (the more pressing issue for me is did he exist at all .. he seems to be a character thats been made and patch up all through out the centuries).

Alex said...

hahaha i love this page! :D

Anonymous said...

Be nice and remember, this blog is not a forum for non-religious people to 'express their opinion' through ways that would offend Christians. You never know if a Christian stumbles upon it.

By the way, what do you think will happen to you after you die?

mothpete said...

"By the way, what do you think will happen to you after you die?"

Same thing that happened to everyone else who dies... or the same 'nothing' that happens to everyone else. Brain neurons stop firing and the corpse starts to crumble. I know it's a difficult concept for many Christians to get a grip on.