The 5th Sentence Meme

Picked this up from Olly at Without Hzzphens

It's a simple meme and fun... and a bit spooky sometimes... grab the nearest book.

1. Open it to page 161.
2. Find the fifth full sentence.
3. Post the text of the sentence along with these instructions.

Don’t search around looking for the coolest book you can find. Do what’s actually next to you.

What did I find?

"Always make sure there are seven things in your life at all times: laughter, family, adventure, good food, challenge, change, and the quest for knowledge."

from 'The Essential 55: Discover the successful student in every child', (Ron Clark) - page 161

Wow! that's kinda cool that page 161 of the book closest to me happenst to be the penultimate quote of the book - part of the 55th rule. It must be a bible! It's actually kinda like the Christian habit of opening up the Bible, or letting if fall randomly to a magic verse or 'spell', then finding out what the 'Lord' said to them. Maybe god is talking to me through another book? He'll hide messages everywhere to get me back. He's a desperate text stalker!


tina FCD said...

"Is it Mary?"


Anonymous said...

“The root stem [of the word “Gossip”] is godsib or god and sib, and meant “akin or related.” – How We Believe by Michael Shermer

Unknown said...

From "Diary of Charles Lowell Walker, Volume I:"

"Came home and wrote awhile."

Anonymous said...

"It wasn't the bridesmaids at whom I'd been staring."
Everything Changes by Jonathan Tropper

Jimmy McKee said...

shah chat cha ha

The Persian cats Having A Ball - Edwin Morgan

Yeah, that's what I get

tina FCD said...

I love this idea!

Anonymous said...

"Across the road a huge park was silent in spectral streetlights."

In My Skin, Kate Holden

nice bit of alliteration there.

Anonymous said...

"The reservation of the required capacity has boosted performance by more that a factor of two" - Efficient C++ by Doc Bulka and David Mayhew

...kinda dry actually.