Thou Shalt What?

From Chaz at The Teapot:

The Bible...
  • Permits polygamy [Leviticus 18:18]
  • Prohibits sexual intercourse when a woman has her period, under penalty of exile [Leviticus 20:18]
  • Sanctions selling your daughter into slavery [Exodus 21:7]
  • Bans tattoos [Leviticus 19:28]
  • Prohibits eating rare meat [Leviticus 7:24]
  • Bans wearing clothes that are made from a blend of textiles, under penalty of death [Leviticus 19:19]
  • Prohibits cross-breeding livestock, under penalty of death [Leviticus 19:19]
  • Bans sowing a field with mixed seed, under penalty of death [Leviticus 19:19]
  • Prohibits eating pigs, rabbits, or some forms of seafood [Leviticus 11:10]
  • Requires Saturday to be reserved as the Sabbath, under penalty of death [Leviticus 24:8]
  • States that you may not approach the altar of God if you have a defect in your sight [Lev 21:20]

And last, but by no means least, prohibits the touching of the skin of a dead pig [Leviticus 11:8] which makes the football game in question, unless all the players are wearing gloves, a direct act against God and the Bible. Clearly, a lot of laws and directives in the bible have had to yield to the evolution of society and civilization.


Anonymous said...

you dont have to be Christian to know that these things are taken way out of context- leviticus is full of these "old testament laws" and were put into place at the time to protect the people of Israel and to form a method of worship- since the savior had not entered the earth, God put into place these laws for Israel to show their reverence and commitment to God. If you read the WHOLE Book of the Bible (which, I know, may take a while, but it is on CD now, so would be a lot easier for you to do) you would find that the reason that Jesus came into the world was to fulfill the whole law so that we would no longer need to- God gave to us what he demanded of us- perfection.
So, before you take a "digg" at the Bible, take a good look at the whole thing before you spout off what you think is ridiculous about it.

snakey said...

Hey...for people who brag about knowing your bible so effing well...
did you know it answer's that diabolic question on everyones' mind...

the question "Boxers or briefs" ?

Oh yes it does..!
blessed be the precious 'nuts' of christ...amen.

mothpete said...

Yes, I've read the bible all the way through. I was a Christian for 17 years. I found that the whole thing is pretty nonsensical, quite frankly.

God makes planet and sets a trap straight up and kicks them out of the playground. They have kids who don't live up to his expectations... he drowns em all and starts again. He then kills heaps more people before giving his people a set of bizarre rules and tests their ability to blindly follow and He even sets up child sacrifice tests.

He then has spiritual sex with a human and wipes the slate clean by sacrificing it for a few days. I don't think He really understands the word sacrifice.

Still, he sends his son down to save everyone but allows most of them to be tortured forever if they don't love his son as much as he does.

mothpete said...

Hi snakey. Thanks for signing up, but I have the combox set up so you can comment without having to be a member. lol. I love it how you accidently set up a blogspot of your own though. classic. An accidental blogging.

Contextual apologetics aside, the bible does permit polygamy, has all sorts of cleansing rituals, doesn't forbid slavery, has weird laws Israel must've rolled their eyes at, and suggests that god is a moody temperamental personality.

But then...

blog debates:- yawns'.....I'd rather stick to stuff outside the christian realm...I don't give a rats about what christians or ex christains think about it or god quite frankly. Its like arguing over father xmas & whether to leave out cookies or not. - Snakey

Anonymous said...

Get over the Old Testament already. I remember having this conversation with you 3 years back. I was telling you the Old Testament is full of shit, and you were there, telling me how important the whole bible was.

Its no wonder you have a bone to pick with it, *YOU* chose to blindly follow every stupi dlittle word in it, while obviously having no idea why.

Maybe you aren't "Ain't Christian" but "Reverse Jewish". Those nubs only believe in the Old Testament. I for one think I am Reverse Jewish...cause the Old Testament reminds me a lot of this website. It's all so full of shit, it's laughable.

God Bless

mothpete said...

Get over the Old Testament already. I remember having this conversation with you 3 years back.

Umm, I'll blog about whatever I feel like blogging about, but thanks I'll take it under advisement? 3 years ago??? Maybe 2, but I was different then, believed different things.

I was telling you the Old Testament is full of shit, and you were there, telling me how important the whole bible was.

Ok, you were right, the old testament is full of shit.

Its no wonder you have a bone to pick with it, *YOU* chose to blindly follow every stupi dlittle word in it, while obviously having no idea why.

ok. I suppose I did. *shrugs* It's all so full of shit, it's laughable.

No one's forcing you to read it. Are you taking this blog personally... or 'me' seriously? You shouldn't do either. And again, I hope you find the blog laughable, but commenting the same comment every few weeks is trollish.

Anonymous said...

*ROAR* (imagine a troll)

P.S Laughable...

mothpete said...



snakey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
snakey said...

Hey Mothy...
Not sure if you'll read this old thing now..(you will thou' won't you)
So you think its funny I signed up?...
I signed up last year - thankyou very much. Just so I could drop you a comment. See..that's how much I care!!

In fact ...I've got 2 effing blogs because of YOU!!

*hehehe*... I"m you think 'god' is a bitch huh?


Anonymous said...

I have not had anyone provide me with any answer other than "well, that's the OLD testament. That really doesn't apply anymore..." However, it appears to me that the Bible disagrees with that position:

"The grass withers, the flower fades; but the word of our God will stand for ever". -Isaiah 40:8

Look, Christians routinely "cherry-pick" specific verses of the bible to justify practices and policies, win arguments, or at worst fall back on an ultimate authority justifying their personal belief structure.

We simply looked at this through a different lens. If the book is infallible, and the literal word of god, then the sections we highlight should be just as valid, poignant, and require the same call to action in everyday life.

If you can site the old testament to justify your intolerance for homosexuals, then logically your views on issues like slavery, animal sacrifice and and woman's rights should fall in line with OT values as well..

The book either is, or is not, the truth. Religion is not supposed to be served buffet-style.

Hopefully I did an adequate job of answering your questions and I sincerely thank you for taking the time to write.

Best wishes,