10 things I hate about commandments

I know it's cheap to post links to Youtubes too often, but I have to... If I find something that makes me laugh then this is where I put it - I need to share - no matter how much they hate me at the churchy forums. Actually, I think they love me there but find me really annoying when I tell them that everything they believe in sucks and makes them look stupid, and possibly fat.

I'm not even sure why I am blogging. What is it that is attracting me to poke fun at Christianity? The following video is Christian friendly, by the way, and the second one (made by the same guys) has nothing at all to do with the bible. I'm even going to use swear words just now, on my blog, because the JAWS video is that 'fucking' funny. I swear to god I am not lying to you (that's not much of an oath considering).

Will I stop blogging? No, I doubt it, but if people don't start commenting soon or donating money (pmsl) I'll start to feel like I'm talking to myself and will stop out of fear of plummeting into complete lunacy. I'm completely sucked in to this for now and why? Because Christianity is funny. It's funny and it needs people to laugh at it. It's so ludicrously funny that I don't find much else funnier. The Life of Brian was funny and brilliantly funny at that. I don't think Christians are all that funny. There aren't any good Christian stand-up comedians. All the pastors I've ever heard in my life that were remotely funny were only so because they were making in-jokes about particular members of the congregation that drank too much coffee or drove a Citroen, or missed the last damn prayer-and-fast.

10 things I hate about commandments

Must Love Jaws


Eek said...




(the sound of talking to oneself

And no this is not an actual comment so don't get excited.

Eek said...

What happened to my second bracket?


(the sound of annoyance))

And yes... an extra bracket to make up for the missing one in the previous comment.